for the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study
The CRIC Study Investigators have published research results using data from the CRIC Study and CRIC ancillary studies in numerous peer-reviewed medical journals including subspecialty journals in nephrology, cardiology, hypertension, geriatrics, and diabetes as well as general medical journals. Abstracts and/or full text manuscripts can be accessed through PubMed [PMID], PubMed Central [PMC], and "Free Access" online repositories available via the links at the end of each entry.
Abd Alamir M, Radulescu V, Goyfman M, Mohler ER 3rd, Gao YL, Budoff MJ; CRIC Study Investigators.
Prevalence and correlates of mitral annular calcification in adults with chronic kidney disease: results from CRIC Study.
Atherosclerosis. 2015 Sep;242(1):117-22.
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Anderson AH, Yang W, Townsend RR, Pan Q, Chertow GM, Kusek JW, Charleston J, He J, Kallem R, Lash JP, Miller ER III, Rahman M, Steigerwalt S, Weir M, Wright JT Jr, Feldman HI, Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study Investigators.
Time-updated Systolic Blood Pressure and the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Cohort Study.
Ann Intern Med. 2015 Feb 17;162(4):258-65.
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Bansal N, Hyre Anderson A, Yang W, Christenson RH, deFilippi CR, Deo R, Dries DL, Go AS, He J, Kusek JW, Lash JP, Raj D, Rosas S, Wolf M, Zhang X, Shlipak MG, Feldman HI.
High-sensitivity troponin T and N-terminal Pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and risk of incident heart failure in patients with CKD: the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Apr;26(4):946-56.
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Bansal N, McCulloch CE, Rahman M, Kusek JW, Anderson AH, Xie D, Townsend RR, Lora CM, Wright J, Go AS, Ojo A, Alper A, Lustigova E, Cuevas M, Kallem R, Hsu CY; CRIC Study Investigators.
Blood pressure and risk of all-cause mortality in advanced chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis: the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study.
Hypertension. 2015 Jan;65(1):93-100.
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Comment in
Blood pressure in chronic kidney disease: does the emperor have new clothes? [Hypertension. 2015] -
Denker M, Boyle S, Anderson AH, Appel LJ, Chen J, Fink JC, Flack J, Go AS, Horwitz E, Hsu CY, Kusek JW, Lash JP, Navaneethan S, Ojo AO, Rahman M, Steigerwalt SP, Townsend RR, Feldman HI; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Investigators.
Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study (CRIC): overview and summary of selected findings.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Nov 6;10(11):2073-83.
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Dobre M, Yang W, Pan Q, Appel L, Bellovich K, Chen J, Feldman H, Fischer MJ, Ham LL, Hostetter T, Jaar BG, Kallem RR, Rosas SE, Scialla JJ, Wolf M, Rahman M; CRIC Study Investigators.
Persistent high serum bicarbonate and the risk of heart failure in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD): a report from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study.
J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Apr 20;4(4).
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Comment in
Elevated serum bicarbonate concentration in chronic kidney disease: a call to find the cause. [J Am Heart Assoc. 2015] -
Grunwald JE, Pistilli M, Ying GS, Maguire M, Daniel E, Whittock-Martin R, Parker-Ostroff C, Mohler E, Lo JC, Townsend RR, Gadegbeku CA, Lash JP, Fink JC, Rahman M, Feldman H, Kusek JW, Xie D; CRIC Study Investigators.
Retinopathy and the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease (from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study).
Am J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 15;116(10):1527-33.
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Guerraty MA, Chai B, Hsu JY, Ojo AO, Gao Y, Yang W, Keane MG, Budoff MJ, Mohler ER 3rd; CRIC Study Investigators.
Relation of aortic valve calcium to chronic kidney disease (from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study).
Am J Cardiol. 2015 May 1;115(9):1281-6.
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Gupta J, Dominic EA, Fink JC, Ojo AO, Barrows IR, Reilly MP, Townsend RR, Joffe MM, Rosas SE, Wolman M, Patel SS, Keane MG, Feldman HI, Kusek JW, Raj DS; CRIC Study Investigators.
Association between inflammation and cardiac geometry in chronic kidney disease: findings from the CRIC Study.
PLoS One. 2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0124772.
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Kelly TN, Raj D, Rahman M, Kretzler M, Kallem RR, Ricardo AC, Rosas SE, Tao K, Xie D, Hamm LL, He J; the CRIC Study Investigators.
The role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genes in the progression of chronic kidney disease: findings from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Oct;30(10):1711-8.
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Liu KD, Yang W, Go AS, Anderson AH, Feldman HI, Fischer MJ, He J, Kallem RR, Kusek JW, Master SR, Miller ER 3rd, Rosas SE, Steigerwalt S, Tao K, Weir MR, Hsu CY; CRIC Study Investigators.
Urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and risk of cardiovascular disease and death in CKD: results from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Feb;65(2):267-74.
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Mehta R, Ying GS, Houston S, Isakova T, Nessel L, Ojo A, Go A, Lash J, Kusek J, Grunwald J, Wolf M; CRIC Study Investigators.
Phosphate, fibroblast growth factor 23 and retinopathy in chronic kidney disease: the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Sep;30(9):1534-41.
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Mishra RK, Yang W, Roy J, Anderson AH, Bansal N, Chen J, DeFilippi C, Delafontaine P, Feldman HI, Kallem R, Kusek JW, Lora CM, Rosas SE, Go AS, Shlipak MG; and the CRIC Study Investigators.
The Kansas City cardiomyopathy questionnaire score is associated with incident heart failure hospitalization in chronic kidney disease patients without previously diagnosed heart failure: the CRIC Study.
Circ Heart Fail. 2015 Jul;8(4):702-8.
doi: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.115.002097. Epub 2015 May 18.
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Comment in
Health Status and Incident Heart Failure in Chronic Kidney Disease: Accumulating Evidence to Use Patient-Reported Measures in Clinical Care. [Circ Heart Fail. 2015] -
Ricardo AC, Anderson CA, Yang W, Zhang X, Fischer MJ, Dember LM, Fink JC, Frydrych A, Jensvold NG, Lustigova E, Nessel LC, Porter AC, Rahman M, Wright Nunes JA, Daviglus ML, Lash JP; CRIC Study Investigators.
Healthy lifestyle and risk of kidney disease progression, atherosclerotic events and death in CKD: findings from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.
Am J Kidney Dis 2015. Mar;65(3):412-24.
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Sandsmark DK, Messé SR, Zhang X, Roy J, Nessel L, Lee Hamm L, He J, Horwitz EJ, Jaar BG, Kallem RR, Kusek JW, Mohler ER 3rd, Porter A, Seliger SL, Sozio SM, Townsend RR, Feldman HI, Kasner SE, CRIC Study Investigators.
Proteinuria, but not eGFR, predicts stroke risk in chronic kidney disease: Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort study.
Stroke. 2015 Aug;46(8):2075-80.
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Comment in
Response to Letter Regarding Article, "Proteinuria, but Not eGFR, Predicts Stroke Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease: Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study". [Stroke. 2015]
Letter by Tsuda Regarding Article, "Proteinuria, but Not eGFR, Predicts Stroke Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease: Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study". [Stroke. 2015] -
Shah R, Matthews GJ, Shah RY, McLaughlin C, Chen J, Wolman M, Master SR, Chai B, Xie D, Rader DJ, Raj DS, Mehta NN, Budoff M, Fischer MJ, Go AS, Townsend RR, He J, Kusek JW, Feldman HI, Foulkes AS, Reilly MP; CRIC Study Investigators.
Serum fractalkine (CX3CL1) and cardiovascular outcomes and diabetes: findings from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Aug;66(2):266-73.
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Comment in
Serum Fractalkines and Cardiovascular Outcomes in the CRIC Study Cohort. [Am J Kidney Dis. 2016]
In Reply to 'Serum Fractalkines and Cardiovascular Outcomes in the CRIC Study Cohort'. [Am J Kidney Dis. 2016] -
Townsend RR.
Arterial stiffness and chronic kidney disease: lessons from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort study.
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2015 Jan;24(1):47-53.
doi: 10.1097/MNH.0000000000000086.
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Zhang X, Bansal N, Go AS, Hsu CY.
Gastrointestinal symptoms, inflammation and hypoalbuminemia in chronic kidney disease patients: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Nephrol. 2015 Dec 11;16(1):211.
PMC4676825 (Data obtained from NIDDK Repository)
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Chirinos JA, Khan A, Bansal N, Dries DL, Feldman HI, Ford V, Anderson AH, Kallem R, Lash JP, Ojo A, Schreiber M, Sheridan A, Strelsin J, Teal V, Roy J, Pan Q, Go AS, Townsend RR; CRIC Study Investigators; CRIC Study Investigators.
Arterial stiffness, central pressures and incident hospitalized heart failure in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC) study.
Circ Heart Fail. 2014 Sep;7(5):709-16.
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Deo R, Yang W, Khan AM, Bansal N, Zhang X, Leonard MB, Keane MG, Soliman EZ, Steigerwalt S, Townsend RR, Shlipak MG, Feldman HI.
Serum aldosterone and death, end-stage renal disease, and cardiovascular events in blacks and whites: findings from the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC) study.
Hypertension. 2014 Jul;64(1):103-10.
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Ellam T, Fotheringham J, Kawar B.
Differential scaling of glomerular filtration rate and ingested metabolic burden: implications for gender differences in chronic kidney disease outcomes.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 Jun;29(6):1186-94.
PMC4055827 (Data obtained from NIDDK Repository).
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Comment in
Is there a difference in metabolic burden between men and women? [Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014] -
Fotheringham J, Campbell MJ, Fogarty DG, El Nahas M, Ellam T
Estimated albumin excretion rate versus urine albumin-creatinine ration for the estimation of measured albumin excretion rate: derivation and validation of an estimated albumin excretion rate equation.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2014 Mar;63(3):405-14.
doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2013.08.009. Epub 2013 Sep 29.
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Comment in
Albuminuria: time to focus on accuracy. [Am J Kidney Dis. 2014] -
Fotheringham J, Weatherley N, Kawar B, Fogarty DG, Ellam T.
The body composition and excretory burden of lean, obese, and severely obese individuals has implications for the assessment of chronic kidney disease.
Kidney Int. 2014 Dec;86(6):1221-8.
PMCID not applicable: Grant Support provided by the Department of Health/United Kingdom and The British Heart Foundation/United Kingdom. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: CRIC Study Investigators, NIDDK, and CRIC Data obtained from NIDDK Central Repository.
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Grunwald JE, Pistilli M, Ying GS, Daniel E, Maguire MG, Xie D, Whittock-Martin R, Parker Ostroff C, Lo JC, Townsend RR, Gadegbeku CA, Lash JP, Fink JC, Rahman M, Feldman HI, Kusek JW; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study Investigators.
Retinopathy and progression of CKD: the CRIC study.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Jul;9(7):1217-24.
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Mariani LH, White MT, Shults J, Anderson CA, Feldman HI, Wolf M, Reese PP, Denburg MR, Townsend RR, Lo JC, Cappola AR, Carlow D, Gadegbeku CA, Steigerwalt S, Leonard MB; CRIC Study Investigators.
Increasing use of vitamin D supplementation in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort study.
J Ren Nutr 2014 May;24(3):186-93.
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Mehta NN, Matthews GJ, Krishnamoorthy P, Shah R, McLaughlin C, Patel P, Budoff M, Chen J, Wolman M, Go A, He J, Kanetsky PA, Master SR, Rader DJ, Raj D, Gadegbeku CA, Shah R, Schreiber M, Fischer MJ, Townsend RR, Kusek J, Feldman HI, Foulkes AS, Reilly MP; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Investigators.
Higher plasma CXCL12 levels predict incident myocardial infarction and death in chronic kidney disease: Findings from the chronic renal insufficiency cohort study.
Eur Heart J. 2014 Aug 14;35(31):2115-22.
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Rahman M., Xie D., Feldman H.I., Go A.S., He J., Kusek J.W., Lash J., Miller III E.R., Ojo A., Pan Q., Seliger S.L., Steigerwalt S., Townsend R.R., for the CRIC Study Investigators.
Association between chronic kidney disease progression and cardiovascular disease: results from the CRIC study.
Am J Nephrol 2014;40(5):399-407.
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Rahman M, Yang W, Akkina S, Alper A, Anderson AH, Appel LJ, He J, Raj DS, Schelling J, Strauss L, Teal V, Rader DJ; CRIC Study Investigators.
Relation of serum lipids and lipoproteins with progression of CKD: the CRIC study.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Jul 7;9(7):1190-8.
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Ricardo AC, Yang W, Lora CM, Gordon EJ, Diamantidis CJ, Ford V, Kusek JW, Lopez A, Lustigova E, Nessel L, Rosas SE, Steigerwalt S, Theurer J, Zhang X, Fischer MJ, Lash JP; CRIC Investigators.
Limited health literacy is associated with low glomerular filtration in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC) study.
Clin Nephrol. 2014 Jan;81(1):30-7.
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Scialla JJ, Xie H, Rahman M, Anderson AH, Isakova T, Ojo A, Zhang X, Nessel L, Hamano T, Grunwald JE, Raj DS, Yang W, He J, Lash JP, Go AS, Kusek JW, Feldman H, Wolf M; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Investigators.
Fibroblast growth factor 23 and cardiovascular events in CKD.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Feb;25(2):349-60.
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Link to Supplemental Data -
Wilson FP, Xie D, Anderson AH, Leonard MB, Reese PP, Delafontaine P, Horwitz E, Kallem R, Navaneethan S, Ojo A, Porter AC, Sondheimer JH, Sweeney HL, Townsend RR, Feldman HI; CRIC Study Investigators.
Urinary creatinine excretion, bioelectrical impedance analysis, and clinical outcomes in patients with CKD: the CRIC study.
CJASN 2014 Dec 5;9(12):2095-103.
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Supplemental material online
Comment in
Urinary creatinine and survival in CKD. [Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014] -
Wing MR, Devaney JM, Joffe MM, Xie D, Feldman HI, Dominic EA, Guzman NJ, Ramezani A, Susztak K, Herman JG, Cope L, Harmon B, Kwabi-Addo B, Gordish-Dressman H, Go AS, He J, Lash JP, Kusek JW, Raj DS; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.
DNA methylation profile associated with rapid decline in kidney function: findings from the CRIC study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 Apr;29(4):864-72.
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Wing MR, Yang W, Teal V, Navaneethan S, Tao K, Ojo A, Guzman NN, Reilly M, Wolman M, Rosas SE, Cuevas M, Fischer M, Lustigova E, Master SR, Xie D, Appleby D, Joffe M, Kusek J, Feldman HI, Raj DS; for the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.
Race modifies the association between adiposity and inflammation in patients with chronic kidney disease: findings from the chronic renal insufficiency study.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2014 May;22(5):1359-66.
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Yaffe K, Kurella-Tamura M, Ackerson L, Hoang TD, Anderson AH, Duckworth M, Go AS, Krousel-Wood M, Kusek JW, Lash JP, Ojo A, Robinson N, Sehgal AR, Sondheimer JH, Steigerwalt S, Townsend RR; CRIC Study Investigators.
Higher levels of cystatin C are associated with worse cognitive function in older adults with chronic kidney disease: the chronic renal insufficiency cohort cognitive study.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Aug 14. 2014 Sep;62(9):1623-9.
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Yang W, Xie D, Anderson AH, Joffe MM, Greene T, Teal V, Hsu CY, Fink JC, He J, Lash JP, Ojo A, Rahman M, Nessel L, Kusek JW, Feldman HI; CRIC Study Investigators.
Association of various kidney disease outcomes with risk factors for CKD: findings from the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC) study.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2014 Feb;63(2):236-43.
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Supplementary Table: Multivariable adjusted HRs for proportional hazards model for other outcomes.
Bansal N, Keane M, Delafontaine P, Dries D, Foster E, Gadegbeku CA, Go AS, Hamm LL, Kusek JW, Ojo AO, Rahman M, Tao K, Wright JT, Xie D, Hsu CY; CRIC Study Investigators.
A longitudinal study of left ventricular function and structure from CKD to ESRD: the CRIC study.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Mar;8(3):355-62.
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Comment in
Echocardiography: Providing additional insights into cardiovascular structural and functional abnormalities in advanced CKD. [Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013] -
Dobre M, Yang W, Chen J, Drawz P, Hamm LL, Horwitz E, Hostetter T, Jaar B, Lora CM, Nessel L, Ojo A, Scialla J, Steigerwalt S, Teal V, Wolf M, Rahman M; CRIC Investigators.
Association of serum bicarbonate with risk of renal and cardiovascular outcomes in CKD: A report from the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC) study.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Oct;62(4):670-8.
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Comment in
Association of serum bicarbonate with clinical outcomes in CKD: could an increase in serum bicarbonate be a double-edged sword? [Am J Kidney Dis. 2013] -
Drawz PE, Babineau DC, Brecklin C, He J, Kallem RR, Soliman EZ, Xie D, Appleby D, Anderson AH, Rahman M; CRIC Study Investigators.
Heart rate variability is a predictor of mortality in chronic kidney disease: a report from the CRIC study.
Am J Nephrol. 2013;38(6):517-28.
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Dubin RF, Li Y, He J, Jaar BG, Kallem R, Lash JP, Makos G, Rosas SE, Soliman EZ, Townsend RR, Yang W, Go AS, Keane M, Defilippi C, Mishra R, Wolf M, Shlipak MG.
Predictors of high sensitivity cardiac troponin T in chronic kidney disease patients: a cross-sectional study in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC).
BMC Nephrol. 2013 Oct 22;14(1):229.
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Ferguson JF, Matthews GJ, Townsend RR, Raj DS, Kanetsky PA, Budoff M, Fischer MJ, Rosas SE, Kanthety R, Rahman M, Master SR, Qasim A, Li M, Mehta NN, Shen H, Mitchell BD, O'Connell JR, Shuldiner AR, Ho WK, Young R, Rasheed A, Danesh J, He J, Kusek JW, Ojo AO, Flack J, Go AS, Gadegbeku CA, Wright JT Jr, Saleheen D, Feldman HI, Rader DJ, Foulkes AS, Reilly MP; CRIC Study Principal Investigators.
Candidate gene association study of coronary artery calcification in chronic kidney disease: findings from the CRIC study (Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort).
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Aug 27;62(9):789-98.
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Comment in
Chronic kidney disease: the "perfect storm" of cardiometabolic risk illuminates genetic diathesis in cardiovascular disease. [J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013] -
Fisher H, Hsu CY, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, Bansal N.
Comparison of associations of urine protein-creatinine ratio versus albumin-creatinine ratio with complications of CKD: a cross-sectional analysis.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Dec;62(6):1102-8.
PMC3840083 (Data obtained from NIDDK Repository)
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Guo Y, Lanktree MB, Taylor KC, Hakonarson H, Lange LA, Keating BJ; IBC 50K SNP array BMI Consortium.
Gene-centric meta-analyses of 108 912 individuals confirm known body mass index loci and reveal three novel signals.
Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Jan 1;22(1):184-201.
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Ky B, Shults J, Keane MG, Sutton MS, Wolf M, Feldman HI, Reese PP, Anderson CA, Townsend RR, Deo R, Lo J, Gadegbeku C, Carlow D, Sulik MJ, Leonard MB; CRIC Study Investigators.
FGF23 modifies the relationship between vitamin D and cardiac remodeling.
Circ Heart Fail. 2013 Jul;6(4):817-24.
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Lin YC, Bansal N, Vittinghoff E, Go AS, Hsu CY.
Determinants of the creatinine clearance to glomerular filtration rate ratio in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Nephrol. 2013 Dec 5;14:268 .
Erratum in: BMC Nephrol. 2014;15:85.
PMC3924195 (Data obtained from NIDDK Repository)
Read the original article » -
Liu KD, Yang W, Anderson AH, Feldman HI, Demirjian S, Hamano T, He J, Lash J, Lustigova E, Rosas SE, Simonson MS, Tao K, Hsu CY; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study investigators.
Urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels do not improve risk prediction of progressive chronic kidney disease.
Kidney Int. 2013 May;83(5):909-14.
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Comment in
The value of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in risk prediction of renal decline in patients with chronic kidney disease. [Kidney Int. 2013]
The authors reply. [Kidney Int. 2013] -
Margolis DJ, Gupta J, Thom SR, Townsend RR, Kanetsky PA, Hoffstad O, Papdopoulos M, Fischer M, Schelling JR, Mitra N, and CRIC Investigators.
Diabetes, lower extremity amputation, loss of protective sensation, and neuronal nitric oxide synthase associated protein in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort study.
Wound Repair Regen. 2013 Jan-Feb;21(1):17-24.
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Mishra RK, Li Y, DeFilippi C, Fischer MJ, Yang W, Keane M, Chen J, He J, Kallem R, Horwitz EJ, Rafey M, Raj DS, Go AS, Shlipak MG; CRIC Study Investigators.
Association of cardiac troponin T with left ventricular structure and function in CKD.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 May;61(5):701-9.
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Comment in
Value of troponin T as a screening test for left ventricular hypertrophy in CKD. [Am J Kidney Dis. 2013] -
Mishra RK, Li Y, Ricardo AC, Yang W, Keane M, Cuevas M, Christenson R, deFilippi C, Chen J, He J, Kallem RR, Raj DS, Schelling JR, Wright J, Go AS, Shlipak MG; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Investigators.
Association of N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide with Left Ventricular Structure and Function in Chronic Kidney Disease (from The Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort [CRIC]).
Am J Cardiol. 2013 Feb 1;111(3):432-8.
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Parsa A, Kao WH, Xie D, Astor BC, Li M, Hsu CY, Feldman HI, Parekh RS, Kusek JW, Greene TH, Fink JC, Anderson AH, Choi MJ, Wright JT Jr, Lash JP, Freedman BI, Ojo A, Winkler CA, Raj DS, Kopp JB, He J, Jensvold NG, Tao K, Lipkowitz MS, Appel LJ; AASK Study Investigators; CRIC Study Investigators.
APOL1 risk variants, race and progression of chronic kidney disease.
N Engl J Med. 2013 Dec 5;369(23):2183-96.
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Comment in
Health disparities in kidney disease--emerging data from the human genome. [N Engl J Med. 2013] -
Reese PP, Cappola AR, Shults J, Townsend RR, Gadegbeku CA, Anderson C, Baker JF, Carlow D, Sulik MJ, Lo JC, Go AS, Ky B, Mariani L, Feldman HI, Leonard MB; CRIC Study Investigators.
Physical performance and frailty in chronic kidney disease.
Am J Nephrol. 2013;38(4):307-15.
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Ricardo AC, Hacker E, Lora CM, Ackerson L, DeSalvo KB, Go A, Kusek JW, Nessel L, Ojo A, Townsend RR, Xie D, Ferrans CE, Lash JP; CRIC Investigators.
Validation of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form 36 (KDQOL-36) U.S. Spanish and English versions in a cohort of Hispanic with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Ethn Dis. 2013 Spring;23(2):202-9.
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Scialla JJ, Lau WL, Reilly MP, Isakova T, Yang HY, Crouthamel MH, Chavkin NW, Rahman M, Wahl P, Amaral AP, Hamano T, Master SR, Nessel L, Chai B, Xie D, Kallem RR, Chen J, Lash JP, Kusek JW, Budoff MJ, Giachelli CM, Wolf M; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study Investigators.
Fibroblast growth factor 23 is not associated with and does not induce arterial calcification.
Kidney Int. 2013 Jun;83(6):1159-68.
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Yaffe K, Ackerson L, Hoang TD, Go AS, Maguire MG, Ying GS, Daniel E, Bazzano LA, Coleman M, Cohen DL, Kusek JW, Ojo A, Seliger S, Xie D, Grunwald JE; CRIC Study Investigators..
Retinopathy and cognitive impairment in adults with CKD.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Feb;61(2):219-27.
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Comment in
Relationship between retinopathy and cognitive impairment may be confounded by visual impairment. [Am J Kidney Dis. 2013]
Cognitive impairment in dialysis patients: focus on the blood vessels? [Am J Kidney Dis. 2013]